Saturday, July 14, 2018

Red, Whyte & Tollar Get Personal on Parkdale

Red, Whyte & Tollar, (left to right above), will be opening the show at the Parkdale: A Reinvention concert this Sunday at 7:00 in the air-conditioned Gladstone Ballroom, presented by Radio Regent's Corby's Orbit show and the Gladstone Hotel.

Yvette Tollar is a long-established and versatile singer in her hometown of Toronto. She is currently most proud of her involvement and performances since the inception of the Kensington Jazz Festival, which she'll be doing again this year.She recalls,"I first met Elizabeth in Vancouver at the Junos in 2009. We were nominated in the same category. Best jazz vocal. Me for my album Ima. Elizabeth for Parkdale. Since then we have become friends and toured across Canada and to the States with Michael Occhipinti's project The Universe of John Lennon. We both appear on the album together. I also sang back ups for her latest CD The Signal. We did a gig together recently at the Jazz Bistro featuring music from both our projects." 

As for Parkdale, the community, "I lived in Parkdale for about 11 years in the 90's and 2000's. It's a cool neighbourhood in that you've got all the best of city life but are also 5 minutes walk from nature by the lake." Her greatest concert experience? "Miles Davis at Roy Thompson Hall, and  Brian Blade's Fellowship Band at Koerner Hall." 

Her team-mate, Carin Redman, on the other hand, loves "Gregory Porter (always) and Trombone Shorty (mind-blowing)". Her personal best gig was "the debut show the trio did at Musideum. It was small, intimate, and filled with magical harmonies, and Mark Kieswetter's beautiful arrangements." She first met Elizabeth when "she played my club Ten Feet Tall in 2007. I loved her then and still love and follow her now.." 

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