Saturday, August 27, 2011

Thank-you Jack Layton : They'll Call You Freedom

From Jack Layton, MP, Député

Re: Revocation of the CKLN-FM license
February 3, 2011
Dear Chairman von Finckenstein,
I am writing with regard to the CRTC’s recent decision to revoke the license of
CKLN-FM radio.
Independent, community-based radio is essential to our broadcasting system.
Diversity of ideas and analysis is important for a healthy democracy. For these
reasons, CKLN was created many years ago.
I understand that CKLN may have previously fallen out of compliance with CRTC
regulations. The station’s staff, however, has made efforts to remedy these past
problems. They are making progress and are determined to meet all the
requirements of their license renewal.
In light of these efforts, I believe the revocation of CKLN’s license to be
significantly premature. To echo the dissenting opinion of CRTC commissioner
Louise Poirier, I believe that the measure adopted is disproportionate to the fault
in question. It would have been more prudent and consistent with the
Commission’s common practices to issue a mandatory order accompanied by
close monitoring of the licensee. This would have constituted fair treatment for
CKLN Toronto.
CKLN has always worked hard to provide a voice to the marginalized and to
speak out against inequality.  It is vital that these voices not be silenced.

Should the decision of the CRTC to revoke CKLN’s license be appealed, I would
strongly urge the commission to reconsider the severity of the measure they
have decided to implement.
Yours Sincerely,
Hon. Jack Layton, MP, P.C.
Leader, New Democratic Party of Canada

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