Friday, May 22, 2015

Mutineers and Red Riders Converging Upon Outpost Tarranna

Be locked onto the Orbital trajectory at around 6  p.m. today. If they can maintain an even keel without their traditional dark ale anchorage, we'll enjoy a live performance by Pressgang Mutiny, of shanties and seafarers' laments.

  I'm also expecting telephone transmissions from Christa Couture on The Red Ride tour, which scorched through Saskatoon last night in an unflagging approaching to a show at the Monarch Tavern this coming Thursday, 28th of May. They are also at The Garnet in Peterborough on Saturday May 30th.

The phone line and entry bay transporter will be left open for possible surprise guests, unconfirmed for now. Only one way to find out who. Be up for it.

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