"Very sacred thing," Steve Kraft said. "It figures into the most secret rituals of just about every Indian tribe, also South American Indians, and Pacific Island types, and Asians, and Africans.Sacred animal everywhere I guess. The Anishnabe say the seven parts of the turtle - the head, tail, shell and four legs - stand for the seven codes of life: BRAVERY, RESPECT, HONESTY, HUMILITY, WISDOM, HONOUR and SHARING." ~ pg 143
"It came up slowly, a dark shape in the darkness. Round. Huge. It rose up out of the water.I knew right away what it was. I wasn't scared for a second. Just the opposite - I felt this tremendous ... warmth. No, not warmth ... joy. Oh, it was more than joy. It was ... just the biggest kind of love. Love."
"This gigantic turtle, as big as a car, and so impossibly old, and I was brimming over with love for it. And it loved me. I could see its old turtle head now, and its old turtle eye, could hear its breathing and fel its moving in the water right in front of me - and it was just radiating the purest kind of love. And it was wise. It knew everything, had seen everything - and it was telling me things - telling me things without words, things that couldn't be told in words."
" The best I can do - the best way I can translate what the great turtle told me - is to say that this is a beautiful world, and it wants to take care of us. I'm pretty sure I was crying."
~ pg. 255
Song of Solomon 2:11-12 (KJV)
11 For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone;12 The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land;