Cathy Young and Russ Little
George Oliver Carl Harvey
Familiars and famosas fabulosos flocked to Lula Lounge's Ides of March fest, hosted by perpetual emotion mama, Cathy Young, "a party waiting to be had", as the MC put it. And more than one Caesar was, in fact, killed, as a progression of Toronto talents made a powerful noise together and Cathy surged and sang through a broad selection of rock blues and R&B standards.
Pat Little Shamakah Ali & Derek Giberson


One Love Finale ~ left to right: Shamakah Ali & Derek Giberson, Tabby Johnson & Debbie Fleming, Paris Black, Carl Harvey Cathy Young, Trevor King & George Oliver
Cathy Young here....HI Paul! Wow how wonderful that you attended and caught all that fabulous crazyness of the night. What an amazing time we all had! I just am so happy to share the wonderful talents of my friends, and their support is so important to my musicality. The audience is the other half of my song.. cant' do it without them.. so I'm grateful. Can't wait to perform my one woman show Catharsis In Heels... if you liked my Ides Of March party.. just wait for Catharsis In Heels! Woo HOO!